After the business of Easter etc. CocoaHeads has snuck up on us again. I’m waiting for final confirmation on our venue for this month so I can’t promise the exact details yet but it will be in the CBD.
Tom from BareFeetWare is very generously doing yet another talk and will be showing us how to quickly and easily use an SQLite database as the model for an app. Tom will demonstrate how to integrate SQLite with table views, and some more advanced SQL theory, such as foreign keys, creating views and properly normalised databases.
Unfortunately Manuel is unable to give his talk this month as his apartment was broken into and all his computer and electronics gear was stolen. Please make sure to say a kind word to him on Thursday night!
Due to that we currently only have one talk. If someone is desperate to present and has a talk ready to go let me know, otherwise we will have a half-hack night which is appropriate since due to the business of last month we never got around to having the hack night we all discussed at last month’s CocoaHeads.
So mark your diaries and the venue details will be sent around shortly.