First Sydney CocoaHeads for 2012 is This Thursday

2011 was a great year for Sydney’s iOS and Mac developer community.

We had loads of great presentations. I’m sure no one will forget Manuel’s talk on physical computing involving poking electrodes into a stunned cockroach, nor Tom’s epic series on SQLite, UITableView, and the Core Data sledging that ensued.

Based on the number of recruiters prowling around and the uptick in startup funding, 2012 promises to be a bumper year for both iOS and MacOS in Sydney. The sheer volume of people with a year or so iOS experience is also a lot higher than, well, a year or so ago. So I have great hopes for an expanded and more lively CocoaHeads in 2012.

To that end, this Thursday we’re going to kick off with a slightly different approach. Firstly Craig Stanford is going to give a short (and possibly unscripted) talk about his experiences developing hybrid native/webview apps at NineMSN. Following that I’m going to give a talk on how I prepare ideas and content for talks. And finally I’ll bring up the talk idea spreadsheet and we’ll do some brainstorming, voting and volunteering.

**Where: **Our location is again the very friendly guys at Roamz: 23 Foster Street, Surry Hills NSW

**When: **Thursday February 2nd, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

See you there! Don’t forget to let me know if you want any of the books I have to give away. The ones left are: