Sydney CocoaHeads October 4th

Firstly apologies that September’s (somewhat delayed) CocoaHeads wasn’t announced on this blog, though it was on both the official CocoaHeads global website ( and the CocoaHeads Australia mailing list (

October’s CocoaHeads is coming up on October 4th in our usual 2012 venue, Roamz, at 23 Foster Street, Surry Hills NSW starting 6:30pm. We have two great talks this month:

First up Alex Vlaskin is going to give an introduction to game programming - including some or all of: the frameworks, OpenGL debugging, game publishing and marketing and Sydney communities and events that are helpful for game developers.

Secondly, as a possible consolation for those of you who for some (no doubt weak) reason didn’t get to Swipe Conference, CocoaHeads regular and seasoned Swipe Conference speaker Cameron Barrie will be talking about Continuous Deployment with iOS.

See you all there!
