Sydney CocoaHeads is from now on meeting on the *3rd* Thursday of the month

Hi All,

Thanks to everyone who came down to Darling Harbour last week - a great social time was had by all (except Duncan).

For those of you who weren’t there, Nick Pellow and I made the happy announcement that Atlassian has become the venue and sponsor for Sydney CocoaHeads for 2013 (polite applause…). Despite Nick’s expert skills at stealing a reserved table at the Brewhouse we were unfortunately unable to dislodge PySyd from their existing booking of the first Thursday, hence we are moving to the third Thursday of the month.

As a happy coincidence, the 3rd Thursday is the official global CocoaHeads meetup day so visitors will find it less confusing.
I’ll send out the Feb announcement once I’ve confirmed our speakers are ok with the change.

