Those of you, like me, who were sad to miss Sebastian’s talk last month will be pleased to hear that he couldn’t present it last month (not that we’re in any way happy that you were sick Sebastian ;) and will instead be talking this week.
Introduction to Functional Reactive Programming in Swift with Sebastian
Our second talk will continue on the theme.
React Native with Rob
We’re back at our usual digs thank’s to Atlassian again this month. Unfortunately I will be missing out again, being down in Melbourne for YOW! Connected so I will be leaving you in the (hopefully) capable hands of Matt Tonkin to MC and as ever Atlassian’s best employee Nick to make sure everyone has beer and pizza. 👍Nick :)
When: Thursday September 17th, 6:30pm
Where: Atlassian (Level 6, 341 George St, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia) Look for the Westpac building opposite Martin Place (next to the old Virgin Megastore) and since the bank will be closed there’s a side entrance to access the lifts on Wynyard St.